Incomparable language

26 november 2016 - Jyväskylä, Finland

Finnish is an incomparable language right? Yes, I think so too. Although I was not referring to Finnish. I am referring to music. 

I am listening to Bach at the moment. Matthäus-Passion BWV 244. Herreweghe. Sounds like I am a professional, I can assure you, I recognize the music for sure, but the titel I just copied-pasted from youtube. You can listen to it if you feel like it.
I didn't listened to this piece for a while. When it suddenly popped up in my brain. 
Just like this piece made some other things popped up in my brain. A specific memory.

As a child, imagine a little Febe, I was part of a choir. I remember that we were practicing for this big happening. A concert with the 'big people' in a church and if I do remember properly, we even went there by bus. While practicing, we practiced together with the 'big children'. The conductor had a record of the music piece on the radio, as a tool to teach us our music part. There was this one sentence 'Sie donder sie bliksem, sie tagen verslinden'. Vielleicht this sentence doesn't make any sense how I describe it, but this is how I remembered the sentence. (Big chance I was singing it wrong the whole time by the way). And by the whole time, it was really a whole lot of time. 

Because we repeated this sentence over and over. And I loved it. Every time I got more enthusiastic and felt more and more emotions. I loved the articulation and I loved the melodie what actually made me feel like 'donder und bliksem', 'Donder en bilksem', 'Thunder and lightning', 'Tonnerre et foudre', 'Trueno y relámpago', 'gök gürültüsü ve 
yıldırım', '雷聲 和 閃電'. 

Okay, maybe this is the point were you are realizing I actually googled translated the above. If not, thank you for thinking I am bilingual, where the 'bi' stands for billion.

I just want to tell you and, not that, my words, stories, even showing emotions while listening to music, cannot tell you what music means for me. 

I just want to tell you, that I am thankfull that I have given myself the ability to make music such a big part of my life. And I am so thankfull that I have the ability to studie music therapy. And that I can even go abroad and be in this environment with people who share the same thoughts and feelings. I am excited for what to come. I am excited for all the music that will come to me in the future and I am excited for what kind of music I will bring towards others and with other humans. 

Big little speech. It even distracted me from google translating the thunder and lightning in Finnish. How could I. You ready? Here it comes:

Ukkonen ja salama

Beautiful. I love this language so much. Just as the country. 
Stay inspired, stay thankfull, keep sharing and spread the love 
(Yes I am feeling good again, as you can read, the snow is back after a couple of days so it's getting brighter again, just like my inner-Febe, yaay)

Hyvää viikonloppua



1 Reactie

  1. MaMary:
    26 november 2016
    Dank je Febe, voor het mooie Febe-Stukje wat je hebt geschreven. Heus, het maakt me wat week. Het Stedelijk Jeugdkoor Breda, van ooit... heeft je mede gevormd....een beetje meegenomen dus in je gevoel. Hoe belangrijk is muziek om dit mee te krijgen in je jonge jaren....voor dan en nu en later......... .Fijn en tof om te lezen,.... .